Monday, September 21, 2015

Broke and hungry--just needs bacon

So we just got back from vacation and have about $0.12 to our name ;) That meant lunch was feeling pretty grim for a food-fanatic. Then I remembered that the reason I started this thing you're reading was to try new  things/"dishes" (not the "washing them" kind though....HATE that ;) ). 
So I started taking a look at what I DO have in the kitchen (and apparently it's really good taste in pantry staples!)...and came up with a bomb-ass lunch for the ages (or at least for the week)-- on the CHEAP!

Try the pantry game next time you're feeling the hanger-pains (no, not hunger pangs for all of you grammar police), and who knows where your mouth will take you!!

Here goes:

Not pictured: Sundried tomatoes, dried and julienned (one of my salad staples)
Pictured: An INCREDIBLE boucheron from Cheese Bar here in Portland -- crumbly, creamy, tangy, nutty, INCOMPRABLE
Fresh basil pesto--little garlicky, little nutty, lot delicious
Eggs and milk (for the visually impaired ;) )

Little oil in the pan til it glistens, then tossed it all in together and let it set until it was almost an omlette--- I bet you can't wait for the cheese to melt!!! (It was worth the wait)
*working on the lighting situation in the kitchen...not always friendly to picturing scrambled eggs** ...mixed with pesto... ha! green eggs, no ham (or bacon as I prefer)! In case you couldn't tell from the headline, I really wished I'd had bacon to seal the deal. Next time I suppose!

Meanwhile I toasted my marbled rye (luckily I remembered to put it in the fridge before we left for vacation!), and buttered 'em up!

See how they fluffy, so delicious... **still slightly green ;) **

Woo hoooooo! Final product! Eat your hearts out dudes, this guy was fantastic! **And check out our supervintage supercool German plateware! Straight from Munich-- and a storage unit....

You know I had to have dessert too! I had a cinnamon/sugar mixture, and come on, you saw how little milk was left in that carton....everyone knows you just use that up or chug it!!

I went with fresh strawberries and using it up :)

Have a fantastic next meal everyone, your mouth will thank you!

I am love *Toni


  1. Aw, it makes me so happy that you have a blog now and I can read updates and feel like I'm all caught up on your life! In my case, for your pantry suggestion, I am only missing...a pantry! And a kitchen and a place to live - womp womp. ;)
